I'm enjoying your photos and any commentary you post. My plans include being in Munich Oct through December this year so I review your blog in order to gain insights. Thanks!
So who are you? What are you doing here in Germany?
I love your photos - and your life sounds incredible (perhaps I am having a bad day....but it does)
What sort of job gives you the chance to travel like you do?
I know.. too many questions.
cheers LuLu (not a stalker..just a fellow expat in Germany.. like I said, having a bad day...but your blog brightened mine a little. I popped up on my google reader... now I am waffling on like a lunatic...oh lord... stream of consciousness.. not good :~) I think Mausi would vouch for me... amoung others... I am making it worse... I will stop now. LOL
Hi JuelleAnn, Thanks for the comment - I always wonder who is reading this. Munich is a great city and hope you will enjoy it as much as I do!
Hi Lynda, Welcome also and thanks! If you go over to the right side of my blog you can see Jeweled Concrete Digest - those are the highlights of how I came to be and to stay in Germany. For work I am a consultant working on global projects - a blessing and a curse but mostly I love it or I would have quit long ago.
I'm enjoying your photos and any commentary you post. My plans include being in Munich Oct through December this year so I review your blog in order to gain insights. Thanks!
So who are you? What are you doing here in Germany?
I love your photos - and your life sounds incredible (perhaps I am having a bad day....but it does)
What sort of job gives you the chance to travel like you do?
I know.. too many questions.
cheers LuLu (not a stalker..just a fellow expat in Germany.. like I said, having a bad day...but your blog brightened mine a little. I popped up on my google reader... now I am waffling on like a lunatic...oh lord... stream of consciousness.. not good :~) I think Mausi would vouch for me... amoung others... I am making it worse... I will stop now. LOL
Hi JuelleAnn, Thanks for the comment - I always wonder who is reading this. Munich is a great city and hope you will enjoy it as much as I do!
Hi Lynda, Welcome also and thanks! If you go over to the right side of my blog you can see Jeweled Concrete Digest - those are the highlights of how I came to be and to stay in Germany. For work I am a consultant working on global projects - a blessing and a curse but mostly I love it or I would have quit long ago.
It makes me so happy too! Even if I don't comment but just sit back, soak it all in.. I love them!!!!
And it's Geneva... Ahhhh...
Keep coming with the photos! It helps me to do it too.
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