I read some reviews on the lens - which is priced at 100 Euros, exceptionally cheap as far as lenses go - and across the board it seems to be the darling of many photographers. It really is kind of suprising how little I know about the technical aspects of the camera and lenses.
I am having an internal debate about whether or not learning more about the equipment and possibly taking some lessons will improve my photography. Sometimes I think my cluelessness, if that is a word, is part of what works for me. My friend put that thought out of my mind and encouraged me to go and give some lessons a try if for no other reason than to stimulate my creativity and have more photography friends.
So the first few shots from my new friend, 50mm.

Posted from Munich
Obviously this can't be the first lense you've had with a focal length of 50mm.
What do you like about this lense with its focal length fixed at 50mm? Exceptional aperture (the low-light settings and DoF would seem to indicate that)? Lightness (weight) in your hands (vs. a larger zoom lense)? Bokeh? Something else?
Beautiful! Great shots. I almost brought out my camera yesterday and then didn't at the last moment... Probably should have!
Beautiful photos, I particularly like the first one.
Attending a class or two can only improve your skills, do it!
Enjoy the lens
Yeah, that 50mm -- all plastic and looking embarassed hanging off an expensive Canon SLR-- is one of my favorites too. You should have one, definitely.
If there is money for one more lens, though, it would have to be the 24-105 1.4 L.
This is the one I put on if I am going somewhere.
Your shots are lovely. Would you share where you might take photography lessons? Will you take them in German?
wow, great photos! wish I had some spare money to invest in more photography gear, it's just so much fun to have all these 'toys' available when needed :)
wow, great. You don't need lessons.
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