

Where was I one year ago tonight?

Spending the first night of my life in Switzerland, at the Ramada Inn. I had landed in Munich on Saturday morning after saying a sad farewell to Washington DC. On Sunday M. drove us to Basel. I met his parents for the first time, who live just over the border in Germany. I was horribly jet-lagged and worried to meet his family when I felt completely in over my head and exhausted from the move and wondering if I made the right decision to come.

After dinner we headed back to Basel and went for a walk around Basel so I could learn my way around a little bit. I was impressed right away with (to use my Mom's favorite word) how cute the city was. We shared a toast at the Campari bar to a successful start to my life here. Shortly after, I went to bed, hoping for the best on my new project and making it on my own in Europe after M. left for work in Hamburg the next morning.

It was extremely cold and windy and the morning was dark so late. In my top floor hotel room I watched from behind the security of the glass walls as the little city came to life in the pre-dawn. Smoke curled out of the chimneys and smokestacks of the local industry. The train-set trams rolled along on their tracks and people were bundled up against the cold as they headed to work in singles and pairs.

No more stalling. I showered and dressed and bundled up in my new warm clothes, feeling safe and snug against the cold, more from the knowledge that I had bought them with M. who wanted me to be warm during the long cold winter than from any protection they could afford against the bleak, frosty days. I opened the door of the lobby, and joined the others heading off to work.

Posted from Basel


The Big Finn said...

Just a reminder that the blogger get-together is this Sunday (14th) at Zum Braunen Mutz at Barfüsserplatz beginning at about noon.

Unknown said...

I can't believe it's over a year already!

Jessica Brogan said...

there is a ramada inn in swtizerland?? hahahahaha. i must visit!

J said...

Time sure flies!