I got side tracked while upgrading my blog to the new blogger version and a new look for 2007. I was glancing through all the pictures I've taken this year and it's hard to believe all the places I've been since this time last year. Feeling inspired, I made a collage of some of my favorite shots and realize in addition to work and expat, travel has to be another theme of the year.
In addition to wandering around my new neck of the woods in both Munich and the surrounding countryside as well as Basel, I've seen several new countries in Europe, been on some trips back to the States, Mexico and India. It appears that the travel is winding down a bit with work and I have no planned vacations other than a trip home I will take in February. For the moment, that is ok with me. I saw more this year than I thought I would in my entire life.
The last week off has been a much needed recovery from all that running around and the stress of work the last year. I can't believe how much I slept although I think it was more than I would have because I did get the cold I was hoping would pass me by. We were able to accomplish some fixes around the apartment, including reorganizing the bathroom and buying some new closets for the bedroom, but nothing for the kitchen yet. Maybe M. will do some next week while he is still on vacation.
So what will 2007 hold? I don't make New Year's resolutions. I think resolutions should come when they come naturally, not because the calendar is flipping to a New Year. However I have some hopes for what 2007 will look like. First and foremost, I don't want to feel trapped in the situation I'm in at work. I have put a year into my project now and would love a chance to try something new, either with my company or out on my own. I'm just not sure what that is as there is some complexity with my expat situation and I see what a struggle it is for some of my fellow expats who can't find work or do what they would really like.
I'm working on German again. A group of us are in the process of arranging a tutor to come to the office for private lessons once or twice a week and I think this is exactly what I need to start forging ahead again. My biggest frustration outside of work this year has been the language barrier. Too many times its been the same story. We go out. M. goes off to chat with friends. I have to either dominate the conversation to keep it in English or daydream while the group veers off into German.
From a personal standpoint, I'm happy and look forward to another year with M. A cat would be nice (wink wink) to keep us company if one of us can stop traveling. I want us to continue our home projects, especially now the kitchen and the garden this spring.
It would be great if I could see my family more this year but I can't complain about how this past year went. The only real disappointment was not getting together for the holidays but that one was my choice to take a break from the travel. I'll see them in a few weeks and looking very much forward to it.
So those are my little hopes and dreams for the new year. I'm sure it will once again fly by at a furious pace. Time really does appear to speed up the older you get.
I hope you all have a great New Year's Eve and celebrate it just as you like.
May you have the hindsight to know where you've been,
The foresight to know where you are going,
And the insight to know when you have gone too far.
Posted from Munich
michelle - I absolutely love your collage! It is amazing how much you have travelled, especially when I think I've been stuck in Canada...
I do hope 2007 holds great things for both of us. ;-)
Very much admire the picture of the harpischord player, where did you find him?
Don't worry about the language barrier-- it falls by itself if you just keep talking and don't turn down any free drinks.
Happy New Year, Michelle! Your collage is beautiful.
The collage is a brilliant way to summarise and remember your wonderful year!
I just got back from travelling so I may just do a little collage too. Here's hoping you have even more fun in 2007!
OH, this photo arrangement is awsome! The colors, the sights, wow! What a cool idea!
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