
America, America

Back from nearly three weeks holiday that was wonderful, hectic, fun and good for the soul. It doesn't look like I will have much time to catch a breather in the coming weeks either, but hopefully I will have some time for a USA post-mortem post this weekend before I forget I ever had a vacation!

And if a picture is worth a thousand words, here are a few thousand:

Posted from Munich


CanadianSwiss said...

I know just what you mean! I've been back in Canada since mis Augustz and haven't written as much as a sentence on my Blog! BTW, are you on FB?

Unknown said...

I haven't been so much into blogging lately either... But definitely like the facebook thing too..

Great pics! Looks like it was a beautiful trip!

Jul said...

Beautiful photos!

SwissTwist said...

As always, your photos are amazing.. looking forward to reading about your vacation :-)

Expat in Germany said...

Love the photos. Where is the one of the lighthouse taken?

Michelle said...

Thanks all!

SG, the lighthouse is from Portland, Maine.