

I had a great weekend skiing in Davos. It was the kind of wintry, snowy weekend that I love to see in December. Always puts me in the mood for my birthday and the string of special days to follow including my sister's birthday, my parents anniversary, Christmas, New Years and my Mom's birthday (poor Dad at this time of year).

Because the weather conditions were a bit rough, we stayed mainly to the beginner and intermediate trails. The snow was soft and powdery and refreshed throughout the weekend with the ongoing snowfall. We had the requsite cheese fondue and white Swiss wine for dinner on Saturday night and then a little bit of party at one of the local bars. Skiing, though, was the main objective and ski we did!

The week ahead will be fun but a bit exhausting.

I head up to Köln tomorrow for a couple days of interviewing for a project there (the one that requires also travel to Pittsburgh).

On Thursday, I return to Zurich to go to the Zurich office party and to disucss further the possibility of relocating to Zurich. Friday and Saturday I head to Munich for the Munich office party, to get the last of my belongings out of M.'s apartment and turn in the key. Phew!

The next week should bring more clarity to the near term future but the lazy part of me was hoping for a quiet end to the year. Looks like it will be anything but!

Posted from Zürich


Anonymous said...

I do confess to getting "mountain envy" when I see a post like this. Looks like it's going to be a great year for skiing. :-)

Anonymous said...

but what an exciting beginning to the new year! great pics. wish we were there.

Unknown said...

Oh wow - how beautiful!!! That's the only thing that comes to mind. No snow here on the West Coast really at all, that's from Whistler down to Tahoe, California. Many are hoping for something soon..

Good luck with all of your travels.. And I sure hope a job is in the works!

Anonymous said...

What? No pictures of you falling on your bum? ... I've been checking constantly for the skiing update hoping for one... but alas... what a "bummer" (ok go ahead roll your eyes!!!)


G in Berlin said...

Wow. It looks so beautiful. Here in grey Berlin that is a fantasy.

J said...

yuck! Snow! Keep it down there..lol. SE Asia, here I come!

Good luck with your busy end of year. I hope it works out in the way you want it to - whatever it is.