
Pushing Spring

I am committed to our garden this year.

We let last summer slip away and never followed any of our plans but this year will be different.

Last fall, we took the first beginners' steps after a trip to Amsterdam let me stock up on some spring bulbs. We made the first flower bed and got all the bulbs in on a chilly late October weekend.

Last weekend when we got back from the States, we were just in time for the very first flower.

We cautiously put the olive tree and oleander outside to help kill the aphids that had taken over during their stay in the basement.

This weekend, I planned to do some weeding and get some pansies into the garden. When we got up this morning it was cold and rainy and we even saw some snowflakes. But I would not let my enthusiam be thwarted! Under threat of driving myself to Seebauer in the rental Z4 (yes, again) I motivated M. too.

We got two flats of pansies, a rosemary bush, some garden clogs and a kneeling pad. I bundled up in sweaters, hat and raincoat, took out my trusty ipod mini and set to work. No sooner did my spade strike the ground when the sun burst out. Filtered through the tree branches and old dead leaves, the sunlight danced across the garden as I weeded and planted.

After I finished, I raked up the yard. Here's how it's looking. It has some way to go but I love it so far.

Now it's time to get ready for date night. M. and I going to see the Bar at Buena Vista: Grandfathers of Cuban Music at Prinzregententheater and I picked a restaurant for us to try beforehand called Moccar. Yippee!

Posted from Munich


Unknown said...

oh that looks so awesome! I saw our flowers pop out here this morning. Oh yes, now just stop raining so hard and I'm so out there taking a few macro shots!

congrats on the yard...

Open Roads Mama said...

Hope your night went well!
Your garden is starting to look so springy, very nice! Great job! Too bad I only have a balcony to enjoy, no patio or garden here.

vailian said...

Very nice! It is somehow programmed into our genes that when the sun comes out, the urge to kneel in the mud becomes overwhelming. I don't have a garden, but I caught myself watering the tiny basil pot plant on my windowsill this morning: Spring must be here!!

lobstah said...

Your garden looks nice.. I think it will be another month before we see any bulb flowers here. I just started my tomato seeds and the rest of my flower seeds last night...they won't get planted until Memorial Day.

Sarah said...

I love your yard! I have a roof terrace here but I left all my pots in the US and just haven't got around to doing anything about it. So I admire everyone else's flowers on my way to work. Your spring flowers look great - I'm jealous.