

The journey begins in two hours. After a rather hectic week at work, I am now on a two week holiday and much looking forward to it.

It is always surreal to make the trip. This morning I am sitting in my apartment in Basel and then tonight I will be sitting at my parents house in CT, assuming no mis-adventures.

I leave Basel by train and head to the Zurich airport. Then I fly to New York, pick up a rental car and drive through the lovely Friday evening traffic up into CT. I'm flying Swiss Air business for the first time so hope they make it a good one.

My sister and her boyfriend head down to my parents from Maine today as well. So the first weekend I'll be hanging out with them and my parents, possibly with a day trip for some skiing. M. is disappointed he won't be seeing them but he's busy getting ready for his trip to Chicago this morning and will catch up with the rest of my family next weekend.

Next week it is a lot of doctor appointments and Dad will have some time off towards the end of the week. Visiting the grandparents and my aunt is a must. Apparently my parents got another cat so now I can hang out with the crazy cat people and their three cats.

We spend the next weekend in New York where M. will join us. Shopping eating and The Lion King are the plans. The following week we will be back in CT until Thursday when we head down to Philadelphia for a night to visit friends before heading back over to Munich.

See you Stateside...

Posted from Basel


Christina | AmiExpat.com said...

I'm so jealous! I hope you have a great time!

The Big Finn said...

Have fun! Hopefully it won't be too cold or too snowy.

Un-Swiss Miss said...

I can't remember if I've delurked before, but I just had to say good luck getting through Friday night traffic! Especially on a long weekend!