Vacation was good to us. It didn't go off without some hitches of course but overall we are tanned, rested and happy.
We headed first from Boston airport to CT after some car rental issues. Although I had flawlessly planned and executed most of the vacation (wink, wink), one minor slip up did occur with some car rental coupons. To make a long story short, we ended up with a Chevy Monte Carlo instead of the Convertible Mustang from a different agency than we started off with. This experience left us happy and chatty as we drove through a huge summer thunderstorm that greatly helped move the Friday evening traffic along. We were having so much fun that we missed the exit we needed which added another half hour to the trip. This made us even happier and chattier.
Eventually we arrived at my parents and fat boy was there to greet us but it was touch and go. Randy had been a bit under the weather the last few weeks and had to spend a few days at the vet so it wasn't sure he'd be home in time for our visit but he pulled through and seemed to be recovering day by day, other than being prone to nodding off from time to time. Wait, he always does that.

The days passed quickly. We visited my Mom's horse at her new stable, went for a lobster dinner in Rhode Island, shopped, watched the Sox, visited all grandparents and my aunt and stretched out in the hammock. M. cooked another great BBQ dinner and tried his first toasted marshmallow (he wasn't impressed). I made a blueberry pie with fresh CT blueberries just picked. It was hotter than hot and so humid our whole time there that I was a bit afraid of what Mexico would be like.

Post Lobster Dinner in Rhode Island
Next we headed up to Boston for a visit to Fenway park. I was stuck to my seat, not from the excitement of the game, but just pure sweat. We caught a nice one though as there was a come from behind win in the bottom of the ninth when the game seemed surely to be lost. That's the Sox though. Nothing is ever surely won or lost.

Off we went to Mexico the next morning and were greatly relieved that the temperature was quite a bit cooler than in New England. We headed to Cozumel and made our snorkeling trip. We were lucky this time to see a giant sea turtle and we also saw a shark swimming way down below. Luckily he wasn't interested in us so we could just watch from the distance. The coral was in pretty rough shape since we had been thre a couple of years ago, as was the island. Apparently Wilma had damaged the ecosystem when she stalled over the island last summer.
From Cozumel we traveled down to Tulum. I loved it there again. If you can't relax there, you probably can't relax. The lizards and pelicans were there to greet us and we visited our favorite restaurants again. We rented bikes and rode to the Mayan ruins of Tulum and lazed around on our nearly deserted beach. Soon it was time to go and we headed back to Boston in the midst of all the airport chaos on Thursday. Our connection in Philadelphia was a nightmare and we got into Boston three hours late.

Our Favorite Tulum Restaurant, El Mariachi

On Friday we went to pick up M.'s new mountain bike that we had arranged for before we left and things got interesting. My scientist eyes noticed something wasn't looking quite right with the bike and upon further inspection we found out the store was trying to sell us a stolen bike with half the serial number missing as new. I let those guys have it and then we had three hours left before our flight to see if we could find another bike. We found a nice one at another shop and had it packed and ready to travel with about 5 minutes to spare.
The trip home was uneventful and the airports were considerably calmer and more organized on Friday. The only surprise was the weather when we landed. The last two weeks have been very cool and rainy. This weather feels like October weather. Where has the summer gone!?
Back to work tomorrow so I'm going to kick back and enjoy the rest of my last day off!
Posted from Munich
1 comment:
Ok - those pics are incredible. I love the ocean blue green pic the best.
What fun. Glad your travels weren't so bad and that you have killer eyes to notice a "hot" bike! That wouldn't have been good.
I've pretty much have missed a travel vacation this year but have high hopes to be done with immigration so that we will travel soon enough, even just to visit the parents...
Welcome back to the real world again!
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