

Blame me for the weather forecast in Munich this coming weekend. *ducks* I spoke the unspeakable about working in the yard and grilling. Last time I said this it snowed 4 inches in mid April.

To further jinx the weather, I have finally managed to squash all the grill accessories M. ordered and sent to my parent's house into my suitcase.

I hope I make the suitcase weight limit and avoid another unfortunate incident like the one when I got here. After three flights, three countries and 22 hours, my father and I were waiting for my suitcases in Connecticut when we noticed one bag that looked a little funny on the belt. Something that looked oddly like blood was seeping slowly out of the side of the suitcase and pooling around the bottom. It looked like I had someone's head in my suitcase. I went to collect it and sure enough, one of the bottles of Chianti I had bought in Italy for my parents had broken and was seeping out the side.

Ms. Art Vandalay (me) the importer/exporter will try again to bring an assortment of American goodies back to Europe. I don't know how I accumulated so much in the last few days. I couldn't resist a few things. In my bags:
- BBQ sauce
- Maple syrup
- 2 packages of brownie mix
- 1 box bisquick
- peppermint chewing gum
- 12 deodorants don't ask me why but the girls in germany always want these from America)
- reese's peanut butter cups
- 3 bottles of mayonnaise
- 1 bottle caesar salad dressing
- 1 rib rack
- 1 grill brush
- 1 set of skewers
- 1 warming rack
- 1 set of coal baskets
- 1 slide aside
- 1 percolating coffee pot
- coffee
- several new books
- still need one stop at duty free for clinique supplies for everyone

Am I crazy? This will never make the weight limit!! Oh well, these are all must haves and I'm going to try for it!! Wish me luck!

Posted from CT


J said...

That's quite a list. With all those things, we'll never see summer!

Why mayo? The mayo isn't too bad here and you can even find Miracle Whip.

Gretchen said...

Oh, that list looks so familiar! I can't tell you how many times I have come back with cake mix and American deodorant and Clinique products, among everything else I like to buy at home... I've often wondered what the Swiss customs people would say if they dared to inspect my bag as I arrived back in the country! Good luck!

Michelle said...

j- lol- yes i strike again!! The mayonnaise because i love hellman's and somehow i can't bring myself to go to kaufhof and by dusty and expensive old jars, bottles and boxes of things unless i'm really desperate.

Gretchen - i was thinking the same thing about customs... at some point i think i may be crossing the line of what is personal belongings and what is an import business. :)

kyle - wise guy! as always! but it is true