It seems to be going around. Gallons of nasty snot, sore throat, fever and eventually a hacking cough. Fatigue.
So, being in between projects again, I spent last week in Frankfurt doing some internal work while feeling miserable at the start of this nasty bug. Towards the end of the week I was feeling better and thought it was passing. Then it came back with a vengeance on Sunday at which point I decided to take myself out of the game and stay home for a few days to recover.
No going out. No staying up late. No travel. No fasching. Just rest, homemade chicken noodle soup, videos and reading.
And french toast. Yum.
Posted from Munich
awww, get well soon.
The soup sounds good.
hope you are on the mend, that looks incredible!!!
Hope you're feeling better!
We must have the same weird bug. I thought I was better and then BAM. sick again.
I'm a bit miffed. Your french toast looked so delish I had to make some of my own.
hope you are feeling better!
I hope that you're feeling better by now.
Your french toast looked delicious!
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