
More Change A-Coming

It ocurred to me today that I am down to my very last days on my project.
A week and a half in the UK. A few days in Geneva. Then another project in the rearview mirror.

It wasn't certain if I would leave but in the end I said no to offers in Sao Paolo and Singapore. They both held a certain appeal and it took a bit of restraint. But in the end I said no.

So that means time again for project roulette and perhaps a long waiting period again before I find something else.

One year, four clients, I met and worked with about 200 new people. Varying degrees of success due mainly to a topsy-turvy economy. A strangely successful but still unsuccesful year professionally. The price of this lifestyle is getting too high and I have a growing feeling that it's time for a change.

A change that will mean fewer changes. It is why I finally got the apartment that I will move into in 10 days, even as my spirit was somewhat resistant to signing my name on any contractual commitment. It is why I said no to more overseas adventures despite a little thrill at the thought of more exploring. It is the sentiment at the root of my desire for the drop-by house.

Hmmm, is it time for the gypsy woman to settle down?

Posted from Ashford Kent

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I can understand the settling down to one place... I still long for the travels and long for the leaving that I know...