Growing a garden is not without peril. After our thunderstorm on Saturday, we got hit with another one on Sunday, this time with hail. It lasted a good 15 minutes and when it was over, all our plants were squashed, flowers and leaves ripped up. Everything that was still alive then sat in an ice pack for a few hours. We just finished raking up and cleaning up. We'll give it a week to see what recovers and what doesn't make it and then its back to the drawing board. The sure survivors right now look like the clowny petunias. Figures.
What a shame! We just had heavy rain here so there wasn't too much damage done. When it hails my kids yell "ice balls!" and run outside with bowls to catch it.
Oh no, after all that hard work :( Is it normal to get hail over there?
I was in Munich yesterday, had gone there specially to sun myself on the Isar, and then THIS! Not fair of you to do this to me.
Oh, I hope some of your plants survived. The bulbs at least should be in good shape for next year!
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