A four day weekend is a big treat and for once both M. and I could take the full time off together, relax in Munich and enjoy 5 nights in a row in our apartment. We hadn't made any special plans but that was exactly the plan. Thursday was rainy and cool so I took full advantage and completely dismantled the kitchen. Everything was washed and scrubbed, the floor was polished and the cobwebs removed. All out of date foods were sent packing. For several glorious hours our kitchen sparkled and gleamed. Then we got back to the business of living in it.
Friday I made a long overdue shopping trip - for me! I revitalized my wardrobe including accessories. I finally got a new handbag, bought a couple of must haves from the MAC counter, found two new pairs of jeans and some summer shirts and shorts. The only thing I struck out on was shoes.
Friday night was date night. oooOOOOOoooooh (think cheesy 80s sitcom laugh track)! We had a gift certificate to a lovely Thai restaurant called Yum. The food was outstanding and the company wasn't bad either. I even got all decked out. We need to do this more often. Unfortunately after a couple of Mai Tais and a generally care free mood, we were greatly annoying our neighbors as I tried to teach M. how to say 'walrus'. We decided that lately we look like walruses and M. was pointing out that we shouldn't eat so much. If you have your very own German, ask him to try to pronounce that word. Go on. Comes out something like Vale-rooz. After repeated attempts to show him the right way to say it, he had pretty much nailed it, but the face contortion he had to make to say it the right way was hysterical. At least we thought so. WAL-RUSS!! Our neighbors took the opportunity to slide over a table.
Saturday we made our weekly trip to Seebauer and Toom to deposit our paychecks and cram a few more things into the garden. M. left for a bike ride and I stayed behind to plant my poisonous shade garden. We have a shady or partly shady yard for the most part. The plants that like shade are mostly all deadly but quite pretty. The thing I like about the shade is that it makes the garden remind me of the woodsy Connecticut area where I grew up. Dappled sunlight is pretty and I like the smell of the forest. We have this in miniature in our backyard. I'm not so sure about the plants though. They all look so fragile.
Saturday night was pig out BBQ night. Wallll Russss! I can't figure out if BBQ is so special in Germany that you have to OD everytime you do it or what but when you have a BBQ and invite two other couples over the one thing you can be sure of is that between everyone you will BBQ some of everything anyone can think of. Cheeseburgers, sausages, chicken, schweinenacke, lamb, turkey, speck, etc. Yes, all on one night, all on one grill. Oh, and there are sides as well. Mayonnaise seems to end up on everything too for some reason, closely followed by ketchup and senf. Wal-russ!
Sunday was kind of lazy. I finished a few more hours of garden work. I tried some lavender in the sunniest patch of the garden. It is one of my favorites so I hope they make it. All in all the yard looks great. We have some pests that have invaded - we've been slimed!! My poor dill plant was completely chewed up. Others have bites here and there missing. Gross!
This was a little dill plant a week ago.
Sunday night we made our first trip to the beer garden. We double dated and it was the perfect night for it. We were by the Isar sitting under huge chestnut trees. Some beer, some brez'n and a few good laughs was the perfect way to end the weekend.

Posted from Basel
Sounds like a perfect weekend. Your story about the valerooz was really funny. Reminded me of Swissy Pie trying to tell me something about the lab mice experiments he was doing. He kept talking about "tail wane injections," I didn't figure out for MONTHS that he was trying to say "tail vein."
It just occurred to me: how do you keep that garden watered when you're away so much?
My girlfriend is completely incapable of saying "sore throat", comes out "Zzohrr Szrohht", but on the other hand I cannot for the life of me pronounce "München" or "Mönch" correctly.
We saw a great article in Prinz about "YUM". How was it? Romantic? We both love Thai food but we haven't found a good spot yet. I asked G to say, "walrus" and to my surprise, he was perfect! This is coming from a man who can't say "VETerinarian" to say his life - it's "the WET".
USM - we only needed the garden watered the first few weeks and our friend and neighbor did it during the week for us. He works from home and likes to take the break. Now it has been staying ok with just rain.
Vailian - yeah, i'm hopeless with some of the German sounds (but that just isn't as funny) :-P
Hi SM - It was not very private the way it was set up but it was still kind of dark and cozy. The food was very good and I would definitely recommend it. Just watch out for the Mai Tais!
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