
Home Alone - Week 2

I miss Lufthansa.

Easyjet was 2 and 1/2 hours late last Thursday but I was still home at 11:30. This week they just cancelled the flight.

A colleague from Munich and I decided to grab a car and drive home. Arrival was at 12:40 AM. At least there were no technical problems with working from home today though.

I don't want to jinx it but it has been a month now where work has been lower stress and manageable. What a difference!

We started preparing our work with the release that comes after the one in May. This time it is the Americas. First one was Italy and the UK. The current one is Austria, Switzerland and Germany. It is so cool working with the North and South Americans. The New World rocks.

When I got home last night a big box was waiting in the kitchen and that could mean only one thing - the Juicer had arrived! I left it sealed up until M. came home. It is his baby after all. Imagine his dismay when he found out that there was a hole in the plastic juice collector bowl. The juice saga continues... but he's going to try it anyway. I always thought the walls would look good with a splattered carrot juice effect.

On tap for the weeekend is a visit with Krazy Klaus, my hairdresser. It's in the afternoon so I'm sure there will be Prosecco and Swedish cookies. Later we'll have a trip to the sauna and then Sunday it is skiing in Austria. We got the Z4 again. <-- This paragraph sounds like I am so spoiled!

Only two weeks left until I'm on my way to the States! Woohoo! The trip may be extended for work too so I could be loitering for 2 and 1/2 weeks in the States.

Time to go see what is going on in the kitchen. I smell pulverized oranges.

Posted from Munich

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I haven't really been back to Cali since Dec 2004. It's a long while and right now I can't wait to go back!

Hope your trip treats oyu well!