As suggested by J., here are my shots from one of Munich's Christmas markets, at Marienplatz. Looks like I had too much glühwein!!!
Christmas is gorgeous here, even without the snow. I still can't figure out how M., my safe and reliable German, can be serious about putting lit candles on a Christmas tree but all in due time I guess. Just in case, I'll make sure our fire extinguisher is up to code.
Posted from Basel
Ah, Marienplatz -- love the place! And your photos brought back memories of the summer day in 2004 when I was last there... a bit tipsy!
My first Christmas here I was nervous about the live candles on the tree, too, (especially because I know that my husband set himself on fire as a child by brushing too close to the tree) but now I love them and wouldn't go back to lights for the world. Of course, last Christmas my son wasn't walking and now he is, so...
Yay for Christmas markets and Glühwein! And the candles on the tree thing still freaks me out.
You can't leave the water connection to the washing machine on, because if the connector fails it's grobe fahrläassigkeit (??) and your insurance won't cover the damage, but open flame is groovy. That's just Germany I guess.
I am hoping (for the sake of my nerves) that we will do what we always did at home in the States. Candles on the tree (that remain unlit) and lights.
Great wiggly pictures. You totally captured the "one too many Glühwein mood".
Call me a party pooper, but I vetoed candles on the tree way, way back and it freaks me out to watch the news during the Christmas season and see how many people actually do set their living rooms or themselves alight.
My girlfriend, being from East Germany, finds the idea of electric Christmas tree lights appalling. Not only does the tree get lit up whenever there are guests, when the candles burn down during the course of an evening, they are replaced and relit. She says there are just two things to remember: Count the number of candles you put on, and keep a bucket of water handy. I still get nervous, but I have to admit, the tree with candles looks terrific.
yeah! Pics at night are hard to take sans tripod!
Just lovely. Are you going to venture out and see Basel's as well?
I miss this so much! Really really I do.. :)
Hi everyone.. glad I'm not the only one afraid of the flaming christmas tree.
Everyday it seems Basel and Munich have more and more Christmas decorations. I can't believe how much work they put into it. One of the buildings on Marktplatz in Basel has every window and door outlined in lights, plus all the panelling. Looks amazing! I'm in the Christmas mood now!
Yeah, I am always very nervous about my 80-something inlaws' need to have lit candles on the tree. Glad to see I'm not alone in this ;-)
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