This is the lovely weather we are having in Mumbai today. The roads are washing out and you get soaked no matter what you do. However it was a perfect day after a long week to cut of work early and hit the spa!!

I can't get enough Indian food. I have been mostly vegetarian since I have been here but it is so easy when you have so much variety. I had it for lunch and dinner today and at least one meal every day. It doesn't even seem that hot anymore.
At dinner tonight, I was sitting by myself pondering life and was thinking about a recommendation from a woman at the spa that I go to Thailand. She is from Phuket so she was raving about it. I started giggling because it made me think of M.
M. has a tendency to build a business case for everything. When he graduated from university, he found a job with the company we work for now and decided he needed to buy some suits since the attire is business formal. I'm not sure how he came up with this, but he calculated that the cost of several suits in Germany could easily cover a trip to Thailand for vacation and twice as many suits from a tailor there. He convinced a friend of his that this was the better option and they booked the trip.
Being oh so wise, they brought a suit each to have them copy the latest style and something that was the right size. They visited the tailor the first day, made a huge order and went off to enjoy Thailand.
Upon returning to pick up the suits, they both went to try them on. It took all their self-control not to completely lost it laughing. M.'s clothes were too tight everywhere, including in the crotch. But it was worse for A. who is quite tall. His pants and sleeves were about 3-4 inches too short. I'd give anything to see those sunburnt fools walking around the shop in their Hugo Boss knock offs.
Off they went and flew home with their business case in hand and called a local tailor in Germany first thing to fix the mess. They still each have a couple of those suits and that was nearly 6 years ago so all said and done, I guess M.'s business case was a success.
So, tomorrow I am off to see the most powerful Ganesh in Pune. Road trip!! We have a 3-4 hour trip to Pune. Deepak, my trusty driver, is taking me and another friend from Mumbai. I hear the scenery on the way is quite beautiful so I may make them stop for some shots along the way. Besides Ganesh, the other big item on the agenda is SHOPPING!! Get ready, Amex, I want to see you smoking by the end of the day!
Posted from Mumbai
Beautiful photos, again! Enjoy your shopping, let us see what you got. :-)
That is one of the funniest stories ever (about the suits). I wish I could be there to eat some of the food...since I mostly eat vegetarian I'm pretty sure I could solely eat Indian and Mexican cuisine for the rest of my life and be very happy!
P.S. I think you are very well traveled, especially for an American...although I have visited more states than you :b
you have no idea how good the vegetarian options are here. the last three days i've had only indian food and all vegetarian. it is amazing.
you have been to more states AND i'm sure you've seen more of each of the states than i have. i can only claim most of them for visiting friends in one city for a weekend or two.
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