Then I met the mocha. Oh sweet mocha! The sugar, the chocolate, the caffeine, oh my! Occasionally on a Saturday morning while running errands I would have a small cafe mocha. The world would suddenly start moving faster, flashing by in blurs of light and sound. Or possibly that was me.
Over time I started drinking regular coffee without all the extras. When I missed a day or two the headaches would start. The morning was a cold, empty place without that comforting kick start.
I give it up every once in awhile. After the first few days it isn't painful anymore. But after a few weeks there is a lingering sense that something isn't quite the same. And I find my feet propelling themselves into a Starbucks or a Caribou or a local coffee shop and just like that. I'm back on it.
I've dabbled in all kinds. European, African, South American and Mexican. Espresso, drip, percolated, french press. Hot and iced.
The best, my all time favorite, is a steaming hot cup fresh from my percolator brewed on a gas stove on a cold and rainy Sunday morning. Yes, just me, cuddled up on the couch with the Sunday paper, the Sunday morning political shows and my fleece blanket, caught somewhere between the Saturday night social scene and the Monday morning grind. Now that's good for the soul.
Coffee is not for me.
It's a drink some people wake up with.
That is makes them nervous is no myth.
Slaves to a coffee cup.
They can't give coffee up.
They can't give coffee up.
Posted from Washington, DC
I'm right there with you Michelle! I didn't take to coffee until I just happened upon it at work one day. I've quit and try not to have it as often anymore, but the smell always draws me back in. Funny how an aquired taste can do that to you. I'm sure you'll find great coffee in Germany.
I have drunk 2 cups of coffee today (we have guests staying) - that's more than I normally drink in a month.
But I do drink a large ammount of tea! :)
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